If you’re unsure about a monthly fee for Personal Training & Coaching, I totally understand.
This is why I’ve created a few ‘off the shelf’, semi-tailored packages for you.


By semi-tailored I mean, they ARE specific to your goals, mesurements etc that you provide me BUT I will not be testing you myself, I will not be dragging you through workouts or hounding you to send me your daily nutritional intake. I’m here as support and guidance for you but you’re responsible for your own success with this and I’ve simply got your back!

All workouts on the app, in these programmes have instructional videos, teaching cues, sets, reps and specific orders. The only thing you need to do is select the weight that you can just about lift for the selected exercises.

If you’re unsure, just ask!!

Incorporating Circuit/HIIT based sessions with Upper/Lower splits gives this program a serious edge when it comes to fat loss!

Combine this program with the included, sensible diet and watch the amazing results roll in!

Specifically designed for men, this combination of Circuit/HIIT based sessions with Upper/Lower splits gives this program a serious edge when it comes to fat loss!

Combined with a semi tailored nutrition plan to support your goals, if you track this properly, you WILL reach them!

This program has been specifically designed to stimulate muscle growth whilst purposefully giving some downtime to allow for recovery.

When in partnership with a sensible diet, this is an unstoppable program to get you beach ready!

This program has been designed to fast track muscle growth for males. The workouts have been custom built in a Push/Pull/Lower Body/Push/Pull format.

This is an amazing program that will require some hard work but at the end of it, this hard work will be heavily rewarded!

Combined with a semi tailored nutrition plan to support your goals, if you track this properly, you WILL reach them!

This is a 12 week plan to improve your fitness & lifestyle with unique workouts to perform at home.

4 weeks of beginner, through 4 weeks of intermediate workouts and then into advanced training…. ALL by using your own bodyweight.